Monday, February 6, 2017

HOT Wings and Chips

So I used to love Sunday night Football. I will say now...that I hate
the Super Bowl. We went out proselyting last night, and it was so
frustrating! I Only say that because everyone who answered their door,
was angry because we were interrupting the football game. All they
would say was "what do you want I'm watching the game." And our
instant response was "What we share is more important than Football."
Then they would close the door hahahaha. No one wanted to listen. It
was a rough night. But I am still grateful to be a missionary...I am
just not a fan of Football as a missionary lol.

This week was awesome! We have been teaching Sisters, Allison (age 16)
and Alyssa (age 13!) there are set to be baptized on Feb 18th!!!!  I
am so excited to be teaching them. What an Honor that God has trusted
me to bring to the Gospel to the youth!! What a great calling I have!
We have been asked to help the youth use social media to help reach
out and spread the Gospel. Face Book is such a great tool. I invite
you all to find someone who may need an uplift and send them a direct
message via social media and let them know that God is aware of them,
and that you love them as well:) I promise as you do so you will be
blessed and will be able to help others feel peace and comfort in
their life.

We had a World Wide Missionary Training about a week and a half ago.
They changed the missionary schedule all over the world. We have more
time on preparation days to email and have time to prepare for the
week to come. 2 extra hours!! But on the other days of the week, lunch
changed from one hour to a half hour which made me sad because that's
when I practiced my French. :/ but bed time has changed from 10:30 to
9:30!! I am so excited! More time to sleep!! 💕🤗🤗

For the month of February I am focusing on revelation through Prayer.
I know how important it is to pray and increase our relationship with
God through prayer. Prayer is essential as a missionary! I have
customized an outline to help me with my prayers.
1. Tell the Lord the desires of my heart.
2. Promise him what I'll do to bring to pass the desires of my heart.
3. Give him a time frame of when I will do these things.
This has helped me be more specific and direct in my prayers. If we
ask specific questions we will get specific answers. I know that to be

I have learned on my mission to change the way I pray. To pray more
for others, and ask for miracles! Doing that has increased my vision
of success on my mission. I have more faith and trust in God and are
more willing to be exactly obedient.

Ether 12:27 -  weak things become strong.

Thanks to everyone the support and love!!

New address:
66 Coronado Drive
Pataskala Ohio, 43062

1. Alyssa and Allison
2. Last months News Letter. Columbus Mission had 22 Baptisms the month
of January!!!!
3. Zone Ladies

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