Monday, October 24, 2016


PREPARATION DAY changed from Wednesday to Monday

My first area is Beavercreek:) It is one of the smaller areas of the mission. My companion (Trainer) is really sweet and has the cutest laugh. Her name is Sister Clark and has been out for almost a year. We get a long really well and we work pretty well together when teaching lessons. Our personalities mesh well. She is perfect. Literally perfect. She goes strongly by the Missionary Handbook, and likes to stay organized. Our workout time is from 6:30-7am. The other day we were working out and got back a little earlier than normal from our run. I went to hop in the shower but she stopped me and then asked what time it was. I told her it was 6:58. She looked at me sternly and said, "You must work out for 2 more minutes. Follow the morning schedule Sister McCormick." I was shocked and thought she might be joking. But she was not. So now I look at the clock closely to make sure I am following the schedule exact or I get in trouble lol. It is good for me to have a strict companion. She is pretty clean but tends to leave her stuff all around the apartment. I have been working really hard to keep my things organized, but it's hard when I find some of her things mixed with mine lol. We have similar style so she wares all my clothes. Since I got here I don't think she has worn anything of her own haha. I don't mind. I just have to do more laundry on preparation days haha. We laugh a lot together. There are times where just look at each other and start laughing for no reason. Those times are my favorite. 

The people of Ohio are amazing! Everyone is so kind! Sure, you have the occasional person who doesn't want to hear what you have to say and slams the door...but for the most part people are so sweet even if they are not interested. The other day my Companion and I walked up to a lady putting things in her car. We asked her how she was doing and if she needed help with anything. She said "No." So we then asked her if she had heard of the Mormons before but she just looked at us, rolled her eyes and then proceeded to put things in her car. One last effort we asked her what her name was as polite as we could... she said "I don't have a name." Shut her car door and went inside her house, even though she had not finished putting away her things inside her car. We laughed about it for a second and went to the next house where we found an 80 year old man named Dale. He was so cute and sweet! His wife had passed away just 13 months ago and he was looking for answers. We told him, that it's possible for him to see his wife again and that there is life after death. He was reluctant to believe at first, and tried to get rid of us by telling us he was too old and far gone for our message, but we didn't let that stop us. The more we answered his questions the more interested he was. We gave him a link to a message about Jesus Christ and a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation. He currently had a Book of Mormon he kept from a missionary that given it to him about a year and a half ago, before his wife passed. We invited him to read the introduction. He was so ready to hear our message! We are set to go back and teach him and I am so excited! I have learned that you can't let the negative experiences or the angry people that reject you get to you. You got to brush it off quick and move on, because someone out there is ready and waiting to hear our message. And I have to be diligent in finding those people. 

I extended baptism to an investigator the Sisters before me and my companion had been teaching. Her name is Robyn. My very first lesson with her I had the urge to ask her to be baptized. I was unsure but listened to the prompting. To my amazement and my companions ...she said yes! And that she had been taking all the lessons but no one had asked her to be baptized. But she was waiting for the right person and the right time for someone to extend the invitation. Crazy spiritual. She is amazing and it was such a spiritual experience! She is to be baptized on Christmas Eve, December 24th:) Her 19 year old son, Robert was baptized 2 years ago and so he is going to baptize his mother. Truly amazing! Hopefully I stay in this area long enough to see her baptized. 

My mission is a blessing. I am my message. 

The ward we serve in is Amazing! All the members are so attentive and supportive. They feed us every night. We have a dinner sign up and it's full until Christmas!! And sometimes the members take us out to eat. So far the food has been food I'm used to eating. Meatloaf, hamburgers, thai food, Chick fil A, spaghetti etc. I am so thankful and so blessed! Although, I have gained 7 pounds in 4 weeks total. Getting good meals will be the death of me hahaha. 

I know this Gospel is true with all my heart. I am prepared and willing to share it with all. I know that we can all return to God by using the Atonement and repenting so that we can become clean through baptism to enter into the Kingdom of God. (3 Nephi 27:19) 

I hope all is well! 

My new mailing address is: 
3072 E Patterson RD.
Beavercreek Ohio, 45430

Sister McCormick 

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